
Too Many Sprouts, The Side Effect!

Christmas – it's all fun and games till someone goes to hospital because of Brussels sprouts. "That's a rubbish saying," people would tell me. Yeah? Well, who's laughing now?

Yes, a man in Scotland was hospitalised after overdosing on Brussels sprouts. This is a shocking story on so many levels.

1: There's someone out there who likes Brussels sprouts.
2: You can OD on greens.
3: There's a man in Scotland who eats vegetables.

Apparently sprouts are rich in vitamin K, which the body uses to promote blood clotting. The man ate a plate of sprouts and suffered heart failure after the sprouts interfered with his blood thinning medication.

And while he had 911 on the phone he should speak to the police about his missus. Who serves up a plate of sprouts for Christmas? That's cruelty.

I should know. I tried to eat a full plate of sprouts once. I nearly managed it but after I'd eaten a few mouthfuls, I dropped one.

>Read the source story


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