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column below.
Some say UKIP have lost profile since the Farage days.
After the election people stopped talking about UKIP as much but now they're back in the papers everyday because of Henry Bolton.
I was always of the opinion that a person's personal life was personal. Why should we judge someone by who they're going out with? I certainly have some exes I'd rather you didn't judge me by.
Does it speak to a politician's values? In France the right wing Sarkozy married the left leaning Carla Bruni and in UKIP while Nigel Farage was going round the UK telling us we don't need Europe he was marriage to a lady from Germany. I've often wondered if Brexit was an elaborate plot to avoid the in-laws.
Henry left his wife and a few months later started dating a model. Offensive texts came out that she'd sent about Meghan Markle and he left her but now says they may get back together in the future.
It's like Love Island. Although it would be an island with control of its borders.
Or maybe it's like a Ross and Rachel in Friends. Mr Bolton said in an interview, “The romantic side of the relationship is on hold.” If they are on a break the woman in the photocopy shop should watch out.
How do you put the romantic side on hold? Does he turn up to her bedroom window and plays Greensleeves?
Either way, on purpose or not, this has been marketing gold.
At a time when people buy gossip magazines and watch TV shows that are entirely based on couples maybe getting together and maybe not, this story has caught our eye.
OK, the news isn't talking about any actual policies of the party. So it really is just like the Farage days.