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Frasier sells a boat
Why we shouldn't put clocks back
Proof that cats are clever but they don't care if you know
Why one actor shouldn't get "Sir-ley"
And something about Halloween garlic
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I have a strained relationship with Boots the chemist. I remember the teenage phase where I was embarrassed to buy condoms and that isn’t a problem any more. Now I’m much older I’m as happy to buy psoriasis creams, girdles or Preparation H in full view of anyone.
The adverts that Boots puts our still have the power to annoy me. While out for a walk I was listening to the radio and heard the latest offending offering.
In this ad we have a women saying that sometimes she needs time to herself while we hear her children in the background. I have sympathy with that. As I work in the evenings most of my days involve being the main carer to my two children. It can be quite draining. Just the other day my two-year-old boy asked, “Where does my sister come from?” I didn’t think I’d have to have that talk with him yet. I wasn’t ready to tell him where babies come from. I’d planned to Google it first as I’m not sure I really know all the ins and outs.
I bought myself some time by answering, “In her passport it says she’s British.”
Then we hear what we presume is the father taking the kids out while shouting, “I hope your work call goes well.”
We then hear a bath stop running and the mother get in while she laughingly says, “Maybe I should tell him I have this work call every week.”
I’m sorry, what have we just witnessed? Boots promoting lying to your spouse? Being the annoying man that I am I asked the question, “What would it be like if the genders were reversed?”
Thankfully that’s already been answered. In the 2007 comedy film Knocked Up there’s a subplot with Paul Rudd’s character who has been saying he has to work late. His wife follows him, fearing he’s having an affair, but he’s been sneaking off to the cinema to have a little downtime. The couple then separates.
So, if he lies to get some R and R it could end the marriage but if she does it it’s OK and Boots will be there to help?
Both versions are wrong. You don’t have to lie and cheat to get some rest. You could simply say to your partner, “Is it OK if I have a bath later?” I’m sure they’d say yes. It can be hard enough to keep a relationship together with the pressure of young children without Boots acting like a devil on the shoulder of one, saying, “Go on, lie to him. You deserve it.”
I’m not sure why Boots wanted to run an ad that supports lying to fathers of young children. We shop in your stores too.
Maybe I’m missing the obvious and along the pharmacy, shop, opticians and film developing they’re opening up a new Boots divorce lawyers soon.

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