
Finders Keepers

Finders keepers losers weepers. They used to be the full extent of my legal knowledge. There was a story in the news that the well known saying isn't legally binding. But it rhymes and I thought that made it law.

A woman was found guilty of theft after picking up a £20 note she found in a shop. She didn't hand it in to the cashier, she kept it. In the old days that would have been the end of that story but now with CCTV is everywhere they tracked down the person who lost the cash, tracked down the lady who found the cash and prosecuted her for theft.

If that is the law of the land why aren't people with metal detectors considered the biggest criminal gang?

When you ask people if they would hand in money they have found they all say yes but I am not so sure. Some people would think it is fate saying, “Get yourself something nice.”

I know I would hand in a big bag of money if I found that in the street but that’s because I worry bunch of criminals would be after me, because I get most of my education from films. I know that if I was given the wrong change in a shop and I didn’t realise till I was half way down the street I probably wouldn’t go back, and somewhere between those two is my moral line.

To hand in or not hand in? That has been playing on my mind for days. I finally realised I might belong to a third group. If I found some money on the floor I wouldn’t hand it in, I wouldn’t keep it, but I would probably pretend I hadn’t seen it because knowing my luck some prankster has glued it to the floor.


When Steve Met Lisa [Podcast]

In this show I got to chat with country music artist Lisa Wright. We talk Spotify, the UK country scene and dead dogs. Oh, and even Car Share.

Here's the podcast of it for you to download/listen. (Originally broadcast on Saturday 29th of April 2017.)

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Remembering The Oscars

The mishap at the Oscars was one of my favourite events of the year. It’s easy to think that movie stars are better than us with their perfect smiles and great hair but when it comes to it they can mess up like the rest of us.

If you missed it, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were given the wrong envelope and announced La La Land as the winner of the best picture award before it was taken off them and given to the rightful winner Moonlight.

Some people have taken this news story very seriously but it’s not that bad. Some rich famous people got an award and some didn’t. They’ll all be having a better year than the rest of us, so don’t feel sorry for them.

And if could have been much worse. Warren Beatty could have opened the envelope to read, “And the winner is… you have been entered into the Reader’s Digest prize draw?”

We’ve all said the wrong name before. I introduced a girlfriend by the name of my ex when I was at the Edinburgh Festival a little while back. Thankfully my ex was called Michelle, so I introduced my than partner by saying, “This is Mi… m’new girlfriend.” And I think I got away with it.

I know someone who’s other half said the name of another man while they were kissing and he didn’t raise it till after because he didn’t want to kill the mood.

It was the accountancy firm PWC who made the error. Maybe the votes were kept off-shore for tax reasons, but the wrong film was announced. Credit where it is due, the cast and crew of La La Land took the news very well, because if there’s one group of people who could really make a big song and dance about something it’s them.



SomeNews v3.0 - ep8 - Trump, Gibraltar and Passports

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In the all new v3.0 of the SomeNews podcast Steve N Allen and Erich McElroy chat through the news and bring you a handy digest of the latest. This time we look at Trump's successes, the war on Spain and our freedom to pay £500million for new passports.

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Celebs In Odd Places [Podcast]

In this show we find out where you have found celebrities, why my eye bogies went yellow and other stuff.

Here's the podcast of it for you to download/listen. (Originally broadcast on Monday 3rd of April 2017.)

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