As a preamble to the live shows here in central Europe, to the coverage of the Austrian election on this site and also to an item about plane seat sizes that will be on BBC Radio Kent on Thursday morning (8:15am to 8:20am) this is a summary of the flight to get here via the medium of Twitter.
I arrived at the airport 2 hours before my flight which was then delayed by 2 hours. I took it all in good spirits till I finally sat in my seat. I was sat next to a man who was already in more of my seat than I was (there's an artist's impression on the right). I thought he’d budge up a little but no, he simply seemed annoyed that I sat there, on a full plane.
That’s where we pick up the story.
Oh joy of joys, I'm on the plane sat next to a rather large gent who seems to think I should lean out into the aisle because of it.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
He's manspreading too.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
He's not even trying to not be in my seat space.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
When the trolley comes round I'm saying, "I think you've had enough."
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
Jeez. This guy is so keen on taking up space on this flight he's even using his mobile in landscape mode.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
Nothing is feeling that easy about this jet.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
Another delay to the flight. They've found a dent on the hull. Maybe the guy next to me lent on it.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
Can you tell I'm not loving it?
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
Passengers log.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
8:28 I moved my leg and the large man next to me took up the space. Like a boa constrictor of plane seats. Git.
Passenger's log. We're running 2 hours 57 mins late. Wouldn't want that 3 hour delay compo would we.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
Passenger's log. 8:34. Best part of flight over. After take off I don't swallow/yawn for 10 mins till my ears pop. Sinuses you could eat off
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
Passenger's log.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
I'm in row 26. Food trolley gets to row 19, matey-boy next to me starts waving.
Calm it, profit margin, they won't miss you
Passenger's log. 8:50. He's been served. Look at his little face light up. Well, it's gone red.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
Passenger's log. 8:58. He bought Pringles. Like making him "not stop" is that tricky.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
Captain's log. 9:01 I've taken over the aircraft.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
Not really. Just kidding.
Passenger's log. 9:03. He just reached across in front of my face. Rude.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
If he wanted this seat so much he could've asked for it.
Passenger's log. 9:15. Ow.
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016
And I'm here. Time to stretch out to my left. (@ Hotel Geblergasse in Vienna)
— Steve N Allen (@mrstevenallen) December 4, 2016