It’s been a fun week of seeing how upset Donald Trump got after being called inept by a UK ambassador.
I didn’t realise that was what ambassadors did. Maybe that's why the buy Ferrero Rocher; it's to say sorry.
Leaked emails from Sir Kim Darroch said Trump's leadership was inept. In all of the criticism of this no one has come out to say that Trump isn't inept. It seems the main objections are that secret documents shouldn't be leaked and you shouldn't call inept people inept because that's rude.
I'm sure Donald Trump didn't get upset right away, but as soon as he slammed that dictionary down he was gunning for us.
Since then he has been on the attack, calling our ambassador "very stupid".
It must feel strange to be someone's least favourite man called Kim when you know that man has met the North Korean dictator.
Here is my confusion. If it isn't OK to call someone inept in a message they thought would be private, how is it OK to call someone stupid in a public tweet to nearly 62 million followers?
Some say you should respect the office of president even if you don't respect the person, but Trump didn't do the same when he tweeted a dig at our Prime Minister implying he was happy she was leaving the job.
Is Trump inept? I don't know. But he is being a hypocrite. He can dish it out but not take it.
There's little we can do, however. We need a trade deal with America and we can't afford to fall out with them.
If we do, at least it will only be a war of words. That's better than a real war. No one gets hurt, we attack each other and it all ends when America develops an F-bomb.