
SomeNews on Fubar 24: Dick, Pussy and Ass [Listen]

The SomeNews project has a new arm, the radio show broadcast on Fubar Radio every Monday from 10am till 1pm (repeated 10am till 1pm Wednesdays), where we look at the news, from the big stories to the silly items that shouldn't even trouble the tabloid pages. And now those shows are available as a podcast. You can get them on the SomeNews iTunes page or use the SomeNews RSS feed to subscribe.

Here's episode 24. In this week's show we take a look at the latest news with details of super guide dogs, heartless cats, super henges, Katie Hopkins and Kim Jong Un news.

Or Download the mp3.

Don't forget to listen to the show live on Monday's (Get details on how to listen to SomeNews on Fubar Radio) (Oh, it's also repeated Wednesdays 10am till 1pm and Saturdays 7am till 10am.)
You can also get the podcasts of Mr Steve N Allen's other radio shows and the Original SomeNews podcasts.


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The SomeNews Live Show
See where the SomeNews Live Show will be next.


If you need to get in touch email info@somenews.co.uk. See the About SomeNews page for more info.

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