
How To Stop Migrants

The Daily Mail carried a story with the headline that started...

“Migrants will have to prove they respect Western values, demonstrate 'honest living' and pass a test on…”

That would be getting your average Daily Mail reading so excited. Talk anti-immigration to me baby. But it goes on.

“...Swedish society and values under country's tough new rules to earn citizenship.”

Ooof, Sweden. So, not the UK. Sorry guys.

The Swedish government said it wanted to toughen the rules for obtaining nationality as part of a crack down on immigration. It makes sense coming from Sweden. If your whole deal is being blonde you have to do something. If your most famous trait is a recessive one you have to put some work in.

If there was a nation that prided itself on being able to do that thing where you can roll your tongue up, you’d have to have a strict policy.

While the headline is meant to make it seem hard-lined the details is a little softer. Migration Minister Johan Forssell said, “Citizenship must be earned, not be handed out unconditionally.” If you consider citizenship of your nation to be a valuable thing, then you can set standards that go with it.

This includes things like a language test. I don’t know how hard it is to learn Swedish but I think it means I know I’ll never be allowed to live there.

I’ve reached the age where learning a new language is pointless. I don’t have the neuroplasticity to pick up words. If I tried really really hard I could learnt o speak like a distracted toddler.

He said it was “crucial” to “always be very clear about the values that must apply in Sweden”. He added: “There is equality between the sexes. You can marry whoever you want.”

I think it should be whomever. How do you like that language test now, Johan?

He said: “Girls and boys have the right to swim and play football. If you don't accept that, Sweden is not the country for you.”

It would never work here. Some people have a view that the UK is so bad that we should hate ourselves so much we could never ask for our society to be valued.

I blame Hollywood. All evil villains have an English accent, so we think we're the baddies.

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