
[Newspaper Column] Political Drama

Each week the Romford Recorder has the Steve Allen column. If you're in the Romford area you can buy the newspaper every Friday, or follow @mrstevenallen to see the columns on Twitter. You can also read the archive of past ones, which can be found here.

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It’s been anything but. When news moves as fast as it has this week, it makes it hard to prepare for a radio show.

I spent some time at the start of the week writing jokes about how Andrea Leadsom would have done well in Ancient Egypt because all their leaders were mummies, but before I could use them she’d pulled out of the race.

The next thing I knew Theresa May was saying how honoured she was to be chosen by the Conservative Party to be their leader. I thought to myself, “You say chosen but you were the only one left. They chose you in the same way I used to get chosen for sport at school.”

I presumed I had ages to work on Theresa May material, after all we were told we’d have a new PM by September, but David Cameron said it would all be over by Wednesday.

He couldn’t wait to get out of there. We found out the removals team he used ordered more than 300 boxes for all of his belongings. Still, it’s easier to move him than Jeremy Corbyn.

In this ever-changing political world, I’m glad one thing will stay the same – Larry the Downing Street cat won’t be leaving when the Camerons go. The tabby cat, from London’s Battersea Cats and Dogs Home, was brought into Downing Street in 2011, tasked with tackling a rat problem. Some thought he’d have to step down for not dealing with Michael Gove.

It’s all been too much drama. After a week like that I want to sit down, relax and watch something far less exciting. I’ll watch France v Portugal again.



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