
The Best Way To Drink Is...

The UK is becoming more like mainland Europe all the time. We drink coffee, sit outside to eat and often find ourselves surrounded by people who don't speak English. It saves us a lot of hassle, we don't have to travel to get that holiday vibe. But there's another way in which we're becoming European.

According to a new study the most popular way to drink beer in the UK is from a half-pint glass.

I like the half-pint. I like that I can hold it and pretend I'm a giant drinking pints. It's good that you can neck the whole drink, feel like such a party animal, yet still be thirsty after.

But in some ways I think we are missing some of our traditions. Seeing someone drink a yard of ale used to be an event in a local pub. Seeing someone drink 5 inches of ale is way less impressive.

It's 34% of Brits that drink from a half pint glass compared with only a quarter who use a pint glass. So that's 59% of the population who, if they go out together, will end up arguing about doing rounds.

>Read the source story

P.S. If you're up in Edinburgh see the SomeNews show live Aug 6th to 30th.


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