Each week the Romford Recorder has the Steve Allen column. And now you can find it in the Ilford Recorder too. If you're around East London and West Essex you can buy the newspaper every Thursday/Friday, or follow @mrstevenallen to see the columns on Twitter. You can also read the archive of past ones, which can be found here.
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They keep adding new words to the dictionary. I'm not sure why, I haven't used all of the old ones, although I try to get them into conversation, which is very argute of me. (I'm still in the As, so I have a lot to go.)
The word of the year from the Collins dictionary is "binge-watch", which means "to watch a large number of television programmes in succession" and isn't the job someone should have to stop me buying chocolate after a bad stand-up gig.
Meanwhile the Oxford English dictionary, the MumsNet to Collins' NetMums, says the word of the year is "post-truth". What a lovely way of saying utter lies.
They say we live in this post-truth world where things don't have to be true. It's claimed fake news stories on social media may have affected the outcome of the US election. That's the irony, in this post-truth world people don't post truth on their Facebook.
Or course we lie on social media. I had an ex who'd force us to take smiling selfies even during rows because she wanted her friends to think everything was perfect in her life.
Facebook was where people shared the story that the Pope endorsed Donald Trump. He didn't. But post-truth there's no point being upset so I made a press release saying the Pope always listens when I'm on the radio. I do a show on Sunday mornings so it's not believable but it's not about trust, it's about how it makes you feel.
Realising that no one cares about facts, no one wants to hear from experts if Michael Gove is right (but what would he know, he's an expert) and people care how something "feels" makes me want to give up and binge-watch a boxset instead. How very argute.