
A Fat Chance Of Dating

A survey has found just how shallow we Brits are. Most of us would rather date someone they have nothing in common with as long as they're thin. And let's be honest, if they're thin, they already don't have that in common with me.

Some 75% would never date an obese person. But with rising obesity levels in the UK the future will be a world where 75% of us are all trying to date the same small pool of skinny people. We'll all be trying to take them out for dinner, which is only going to make the situation worse.

So, 75% wouldn't date an obese person, but the same survey says more than two thirds of people consider themselves overweight. That means on average 50% wouldn't want to have sex with themselves. And seeing as the few skinny people are likely to be taken, it's what we'll probably have to do.

This survey kind of makes it look like the future of mankind is bleak, and that we'll all die out like pandas (they don't want to bang anything that's too cuddly either). But it's OK. The survey only says that 75% don't want to date someone who's obese. As anyone who has ever been in a long term relationship will tell you, they don't start out like that. But soon enough, soon enough...

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