
Google Pants

A Japanese woman is suing Google for showing images of her underwear.

I hope it was on Street View, not Google Earth, or she has a really big arse.

It makes you feel sorry for astronauts: "What's that big thing to the right of the Great Wall of China? It's like it's watching us. There... it winked!"

The unnamed lady is requesting 600,000 Yen (£4,588) from the search engine, claiming that she suffered psychological distress from her washing line being displayed on the Google Maps feature.

According to Japan's Mainichi newspaper, she told the court: "I was overwhelmed with anxiety that I might be the target of a sex crime."

Just how much of a draw do you think your pants are? And do you think the average sex criminal Googles to see where to attack first?

And wait a minute. You can get nearly 5-grand for showing your pants on Google? Right, I'm going to put a picture of mine on here and wait till the Google bot indexes this page...

That'll be £5,000 please!

>Read the source story


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