No no no. Bananas are low in fat.
During the show she was also described as a "Dalek in drag".
Makes you wonder what she was doing with that sink plunger.
But Ann is OK about not being remembered as a Tory politician, but being remembered as a rubbish dancer. In an interview in a newspaper she said: "Name me the Chancellor of the Exchequer under Macmillan. You can't, can you? Nobody can. Even the politicians who have reached the very top aren't remembered."
All good so far, but she adds: "When I play Trivial Pursuit there is a question about which Prime Minister was assassinated. I have to look up his name every time. Every time!"
You're not meant to look up answers when you play Trivial Pursuit. That's cheating! She's the kind of person who'd use Google on her phone at a pub quiz. Scum!
She should be remembered as a liar and a cheat. Oooh, maybe she will be remembered for being a Tory after all.
>Read the source story