
Condoms For Pets

Another misleading story caught my eye. I read:

"Website Offers Condoms For Pets"

And I thought, "But they'd make terrible pets. They don't do anything, you can't take them for walks. You can sit and stroke them but it seems a bit pointless on your own."

But it turns out to be a website claiming to sell condoms for pets, as in "ones you put on pets". I'm assuming you'd have to put them on for the pets. It's hard enough getting it right when you have fingers, but if you have claws you'd make a right mess. Maybe that's why you hear cats making such a terrible sound at night; it's not the female cat says she's not enjoying it, it's the male cat putting the condom on with those razor sharp claws.

Just when I was thinking, "OK, some practical issues but this is a good idea and will help to fight the spread of cat AIDS," it turns out it was a joke website. The website sends you to a campaign from the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which says, "C'mon, there's only one real fix, spay or neuter your pet."

You Google for condoms and end up on a website promoting neutering. If ever there was a good reason to be sure to read the details, this is it.

>Read the source story



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