Oh, good plan. Because if he didn't want to have sex with you before, demonstrating a really shitty personality will help to get you some action.
In said in the news: "Police bailed the woman who was allegedly so incensed that her boyfriend wouldn't have sex with her that she flew into a drunken and naked bloody tantrum."
I'll go a step further, if he sees you all bloody and in a state and he suddenly wants you sexually, you should dump his ass.
Listen, no one likes being turned down sexually but it is something that you have to get used to. I guess it's not that easy for her as she didn't go through years of being a bloke in the 90s. That's when I did most of my training. By the end of that decade I could be turned down by a woman in record time of meeting her and not be surprised by it at all. I was an expert.
The woman apparently has blood on her hands after she punched a wall and a glass picture. Police turned up and arrested her. So she didn't get sex but she did get covering in bodily fluids and ended up in handcuffs. I'd say that's close enough.
>Read the source story