
Man Bites Off Waiter's Finger

An Australian national has been arrested in Serbia for biting off part of a waiter's finger.

Wow. How long did he have to wait? I've had to wait so long I've eaten the bread rolls, but to be so hungry you start to eat the waiter is going some.

The police have said it all started when the 26-year-old Australian entered a cafe with his own bottle of alcohol and wanted to drink it. The waiter told him he couldn't drink it in there as only food or drink from the cafe could be consumed and then the man ate his finger. I guess that finger was technically meat that was provided by the cafe so they can't touch you for it. Well, the waiter can't touch you for it, not with his right hand.

People get very attached to the idea of drinking alcohol. If you offered him a wine menu he'd bite your hand off.

So, he bit off the end of the waiter's finger and I am assuming he spat it out on the table. Well, you should always leave a tip.

>Read the source story


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