
Wish Joey Essex Was Here

Good news, TV fans. Joey Essex has got a travel show on television. This from a man who is so bad with locations he gets confused when filling in official forms between his location and surname.

Apparently he'll be touring Africa in a light-hearted show for ITV2. Africa is one of the places he will have heard of, although he'll spend most his time trying to find the factory that makes his deodorant.

Insiders say it's going to be like Sky1's An Idiot Abroad. I don't think it will. Not because I don't think he's an idiot, I'll be amazed is he can actually get abroad. I'm expecting a six part series where he tries to work out how to get on his flight at Gatwick.

Am I being too harsh? Well, while on I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here he said he cannot tell the time and also revealed he is unable to blow his nose because "I've never learnt how to do it." If you can't tell the time or find the nose on your face finding the correct gate at the right departure time is like quantum mechanics.

It said in The Star: "He will be departing ­Essex again in the New Year for the as yet unnamed show. But the ­opportunity has caused friction with producers on TOWIE."

I bet it does. It highlights the fact that there are other ways.

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