
A New Royal Baby

Another royal baby. Could it be happening? Yes it could. In as much as things that are possible could be happening. Global warming could be just about to kill us all, Greece could be about to have a closing down sale and Rihanna could be wearing clothes. You just never know.

The reason that we're all going royal baby crazy is that Prince William reportedly hinted that there may already be a bun in Kate's carb-free oven when he was visiting New Zealand. Shawl-maker Geordie Cynthia Read had made a shawl for little baby George. When she handed it to William he is reported as saying: "You might have to make another one soon."

Boom! The world implodes. Front pages of national newspapers spring into action because they think he means there'll be another baby. But hold on. It could mean that he thinks the workmanship on that shawl is terrible. "You might have to make another one soon... because this looks like it'll last a week. What are you, a one-woman Primark?"

Maybe he liked the shawl and wanted one for himself. Or possibly he is a sensible man and wanted a spare. You can never have too many shawls.

Cynthia said: "The way William said it was like he was dropping a hint, letting me in on a secret." Yeah, that makes sense. A shawl-maker is like a bartender, they're the person you tell your secrets too... at a public event... where there's press.

Thinking about that next shawl she added: "Obviously if I'm asked to do another one, I would be honoured – but we'll wait and see." Yes, wait and see before you start making a shawl. Put it on the front page of a national newspaper, put the story in the news archive forever, all off the back of one comment, but don't rush into making another shawl. That would be silly.

>Read the source story

P.S. The new baby gets talked about in the latest radio show podcast here


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