
Smoking Behind Bars Banned

A High Court judge has ruled the ban on smoking in public places applies to all prisons. Damn it! Now no one will want to go there.

There could be some serious ramifications of this ruling. Some say there could be unrest in the prisons. I think the bigger issue is that if you make the inmates stand outside to smoke some of them might not come back in.

The case came about after an inmate sued the Crown claiming that he was suffering from second hand smoke. That's prison rules right there. As soon as you get in you have to spot the biggest guy in there, go up to him, and show him who's boss by taking a case to the courts to ban his favourite passtime. I should say, I have never been to prison.

All I know about prison is that you pay for things with cigarettes, which is totally buggered up by this ruling.

The judge said: "In my judgment it is clear from the terms of the 2006 Act... that the intention of Parliament was indeed that it should apply to all public places and workplaces which fell within its scope, including those for which the Crown is responsible." That's the Act that makes smoking a criminal offence in enclosed public places and workplaces. So if someone is caught doing that you can send them to.... oooooh.

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