
UK Floods

We're set to get a month's worth of rain in the space of just one day. This has the Express telling us to watch out. But that sounds great as long as we don't get any more rain for the rest of the month. I like that as a plan; get it all over and done with and know you're safe to leave the house without a brolly for the next 30 days. It's the same reason I like being self-assessment for tax.

Sadly I don't think the weather will play by my rules. There are flood alerts for parts of Britain. The Met Office says Northern Ireland, Devon, Cornwall and Pembrokeshire are likely to be worst affected.

So at least we won't have a rerun of what happened in Cockermouth. It was difficult to stay up to date with that news. Every day I Google 'Cockermouth' and you would not believe the results I got. My fault for having safe search off.

Last night, the Environment Agency had two flood alerts in place for the South-west and North-east. A spokesman said: "We are asking people to keep an eye out for flood warnings on our website and to make sure they have a flood plan in place."

A flood plan? Yeah, I've got a flood plan. Don't buy a house in a place that floods every year. Good plan, eh?

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