
Dr Fox And Friends

Defence Secretary Liam Fox is fighting for his political career after the row over his working relationship with a close friend deepened.

And I will be referring to him as Liam Fox. I hate it when the news calls him Dr Fox, because it makes me think, "What, the judge from TV's Pop Stars: The Rivals? What's he done?"

There's going to be an internal investigation into whether Liam Fox's links to Adam Werritty, a former flatmate, breached ministerial guidelines.

Mr Werritty brokered meetings for Liam, as well as the access he enjoyed to Government despite having no formal parliamentary or Whitehall role.

Hey, if there was someone doing on MP's work without claiming millions of expenses for duck house cleaning, perhaps we should just be grateful.

The really dodgy, borderline 'Single White Female details of all this is that Adam Werritty had business cards made saying he was Laim Fox's aid, even though he wasn't.

Stalk much? I bet he also practised his signature as Mrs Adam Fox.

But just because someone has a business card doesn't mean they actually do that work. I have a hat from Skegness that says "Boob Inspector". That's not my actual job title.

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