
Gaddafi Is Dead

What a day it's been in the news. First we heard that Gaddafi had been captured and then we heard rumours that he had been killed, and ultimately we saw the pictures.

One thing's for sure. This was a PR disaster for the Dale Farm travellers. All of a sudden no one was bothered about what was happening down on the farm.

Today we're hearing that Muammar Gaddafi was killed in crossfire after being captured in his birthplace of Sirte.

Yeah, killed in crossfire. Apparently they told him to get down. Well, they shouted "Gaddafi duck!" but that just made him want to watch cartoons.

All the papers cover this story today. The i says, "Gaddafi: The End", The Sun says, "That's For Lockerbie", and the Daily Star says Gaddafi died like a coward. Well, he's not the first Colonel who's linked to the word 'chicken'.

There's still a lot of speculation and details are still coming out. One thing that is for sure is that Gaddafi has died and the newspapers have some quite disturbingly graphic pictures in them. It's a good job they don't use old newspapers to wrap chips in these days or that would put you right off your cod.

>Read the source story


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