
NHS Boob-Job Woman Sues

Josie Cunningham's back in the news. She's the woman who got on the front pages after she was given a boob job on the NHS. That's the country we live in now, it's front page news when someone gets any kind of job.

She wanted to be a glamour model and at an expense of £4,800 we tax payers all had a whip-round and bought her some new boobs. In some ways it means her chest is like RBS - funded by the tax payer and, well, it's a bunch of tits.

Now the papers are saying she wants to sue the NHS for compensation, as the chest she was given is too large. There's been a backlash, The Taxpayers' Alliance hit out: "She appears to want to milk the NHS and taxpayers." Looking at the pictures, the feeling is mutual.

I don't know if she should've had the surgery or not, I am clearly not an expert on such matters, although I have probably put the hours of study in. The trouble with story is, if someone needs surgery to help them with a physical condition that is having a negative emotional affect on them, this kind of coverage could put them off seeing their doctors. If you vilify this woman you could hurt others.

But before we get too caught up in the empathy, it's worth remembering that you need more than just big false boobs to make it as a glamour model these days. You also need publicity. So, threaten to sue the NHS, whip up some anger and get yourself into the glamour business. Then she'll do well, pay tax. You see, we put the tax payers' money in but within a few years we could get more than that money back.

So in that way, her chest is nothing like RBS.

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