"I was almost killed by vajazzle"
This story chimed with me because that happened to me once. I nearly choked.
What happened in this case was a TOWIE-obsessed fitness instructor nearly died after having an allergic reaction to a vajazzle. I'm never sure about the reasons behind a vajazzle. No offence but it is a little like trying to polish a turd. No one has ever looked at lady-parts and thought, "This'd look OK if it had a little bling."
Shanelle Griffin was on holiday in Barcelona when she had the muff art done with a skull-and-cross-bone design in diamanté. Again, bad idea. Why would you have the logo that makes people think, "Oh, I shouldn't eat this"?
Under the minge bling she had the words "hot property" written in black henna. Shortly after leaving the salon Shanelle began feeling unwell and, back at the hotel, she passed out. Doctors were called and could probably work out where the problem was as she has a skull-and-cross-bones on her flange telling them where she'd been poisoned.
Shanelle had suffered a serious allergic reaction to the henna. I'm assuming there was quite a bit of swelling, which is why I'm thinking of getting it done.
>Read the source story