
Best Position for a Bad Back

I often mock researchers for working on trivial things when bigger issues remain unresolved. Recently we found that experts had found a way to make a teapot out of chocolate and someone studied if smiling makes you happy. But finally there's a piece of science that should've been sorted years ago.

Experts have worked out which sexual position is best for people with a bad back. Finally. As a sufferer (of a bad back, I'm not saying I suffer having sex. Well...) it's good to be able to get back in the saddle without risking serious injury. The first thing I learned from this research is that I shouldn't be using a saddle.

The experts say that doggy-style is officially the best sex position for men who suffer back ache. That makes sense. How many times have you heard a dog complaining about a bad back after sex?

A group of scientists at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, documented precisely how the spine moves during sex. It's not the part most focus on, but each to their own. Lead author Natalie Sidorkewicz said: "Before now, spooning was often recommended by physicians as the one position that fit all. But as we've discovered, that is not the case."

The irony is I injured by in the first place due to sex. All I'm saying is, lift with the knees.

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