Apple have also said they'll be looking into the issue. It seems that these photos were backed-up to the iCloud and someone managed to break into the online storage. So, before you start judging any of these celebrities for taking such rude pictures you should first appreciate that they were maintaining a good backing-up regime. They might be suffering now but if they needed a copy of an email from 2007 they'd be the one laughing.
It's interesting how Jennifer Lawrence has received so much sympathy about this compared to the other 100 celebrities. Nude pictures of Rihanna were also hacked but no one seems as worried. I suppose it's because there's a strong chance the leaked photos aren't as rude as the pictures she Instagrams. In fact there's an internet rumour that the reason Rihanna didn't want those photos out in the public domain is because she's actually wearing clothes in them and she has a reputation to protect. That internet rumour is one I started, but still, my point stands.
It's important to remember who are the people at fault here. There are the hackers, criminals who are so good at computers they managed to break into Apple's data storage to get these pictures, but also they're so good at computers this is probably the only way they'll see a naked woman.
There are the people distributing these images. That's a creepy thing to do. If you want to show the world a sexy naked body, put the hard work in - diet, work out, and strip yourself like I did – and that's why I'm banned from Fitness First.
The third spot of who's to blame isn't the celebs. Some people have said it's their fault for taking these pictures, that if you're a famous actress you shouldn't even risk it, but they have the same rights as we do. We all have the right to use our phones to take pictures of our own bodies. In fact, I remember when I first got a camera phone, that's all we did with it for the first day. We are all legally entitled to take nude pics, even celebs. What we aren't legally allowed to do is to send them to Fitness First, as I now know.
The third slot goes to Apple. If you're offering a service of backing up our data you should really make sure it's unhackable. Apple has not explained how the hackers could have obtained the images but it's a worrying security issue. And this is very bad press for them, not since Adam and Eve has an Apple made someone so embarrassed by nudity.
>Read the source story