The newspapers presented this story like it's shocking but you see loads of kids these days who look like they would run a mile if you put fruit or veg near them.
Well, walk a mile. Well, walk to the nearest McDonald's.
I like this story because having a fear of bananas means, if she was in a bank when it was robbed, she'd be the only one who poos her pants when she finds out that it's NOT a real gun.
It started when Fran was seven and her brother hid a banana in her bed. She said: "I felt this horrible slimy thing. It frightened the life out of me.
So she doesn't like things that are about 6 inches long, slimy and in her bed. How did she become a mum?
>Read more in the source story
P.S. If you're reading this Fran, this is for you.