But it also says, "Will you inherit your mother's body?" That's a mental image that can cure most of us of an urge to see porn.
A new report says four out of five 16-year-old boys and girls regularly access porn online. That's terrible. Disgusting! When I was that age I had to work hard to see some rude pictures.
The only porn we had access to was a magazine that some lad called Gary brought into school one day. In hindsight it must've been a very old mag because the "hairstyles" were dated.
But that wasn't useable access. The only naughty pictures I had access to back then were in the Argos catalogue shower section. Kids these days don't know they're born.
The report cites figures showing that more than a quarter of young patients being treated at a leading private clinic are receiving help for addiction to online pornography.
How do you get addicted to porn? Is it like drugs where you start off looking at boobies and before long you go down that slippery slope. The next thing you know you're mugging an old lady just to see some foo foo. (I don't mean hers, you sicko.)
One appalled MP revealed that her son had told her that swapping hardcore images on memory sticks between pupils at his school is "absolutely rife".
When I was at school we were swapping stickers for a football album. I really feel hard done by now.
There are fears that the rise of internet pornography is leaving teenagers unable to maintain normal relationships.
I don't know if it will affect their romantic relationships but it will mess up any encounter with the man who comes round to fix the air con.
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