
Take Your Dog To Work

Here's some more useful advice to come from some research: "Taking dogs to work reduces employee stress".

Well that may be the case, but it might not be good for everyone. If you take your dog to work you might be more relaxed but the guy you're about to operate on won't be.

And if you work for the cat's protection league taking your dog to work could be stressful for all concerned.

The researchers suggested access to dogs boosted morale and reduced stress levels, whether people had access to their own pets or other people's. I'm not sure why you'd go to work and swap dogs like that. It's like swinging for pet owners. In fact, if you take it for a walk it's like dogging for dog owners, which seems more fitting.

The study was carried out by a team of researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University who looked at a manufacturing company where people are allowed to bring their pets to work.

Randolph Barker, lead study author and professor of management at the VCU School of Business, said dogs can make a positive difference in the workplace.

The survey said dogs are good and it was headed by a man called "Randy Barker"? Excellent. I hope film actor Roger Moore gets into market research.

>Read the source story


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