
Physiotherapists Can't Touch Patients

Non-Touching PhysioPhysiotherapists are no longer allowed to touch patients, and instead they can give patients advice on what exercises they should be doing and information on how to manage their condition themselves.

What? What's the point in having physio if they don't touch you? That's like going to a masseuse and rubbing yourself while he sits there saying, "Try a little lower... and lower..."

It's in Nottingham where, to try to cut costs, patients who need physio will no longer receive hands-on treatment, but will be directed to websites where they can learn exercises for themselves.

They send you to a website? And what if you needed physio for RSI? Making you use a laptop will hardly help.

Phil Gray, chief executive of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, said: "They seem to have invented a new form of physiotherapy that no one has heard of - do-not-touch physiotherapy."

The only way that would work is if you were went to see Syler from Heroes.

Phil added: "It is deeply unscientific. There is no research or evidence to back up hands-off physiotherapy."

He's right. I don't want to say anything too nasty about trying to cure someone's physical ailments without touching because I don't want to upset any reiki practitioners, in case they get angry and "hadouken" me.

Phil also said: "It is a completely barmy form of treating people, which means that the only solution will be to go to the private sector and pay for themselves."

Ah, I see. It's yet another way of taking money out of the NHS and forcing people to go private. If you want to get someone to actually touch you, you will have to pay for it. And that is terrible. I get enough of that in my sex life.

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