Apparently beetroot contains antioxidants which protect the body from absorbing "bad fats". These bad fats are known as trans fats or saturated fats. Or as they're called in Scotland, one of your 5-a-day.
Professor Garry Duthie of the University of Aberdeen is trying to find out if beetroot burgers will help to stop people getting fat. The study is part of a wider Scottish government-funded project to investigate the potential health benefits of Scottish produce.
And poor old Professor Duthie got the beetroot part of the research. Meanwhile some professor is investigating whisky and loving ever minute of it.
They're looking for volunteers to eat the turkey and beetroot burgers to test the theory. The university says they're looking for men between the ages of 21 and 60 who want to eat burgers.
Oh sorry, no. That wasn't taken from the press release. It was from Adele's profile.
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