
Man Calls Police On His Prostitute

If you weren't sure how bad the global recession was before, this should convince you. A man in south-east Michigan called police to complain that his prostitute was charging too much money.

I should clarify, he wasn't calling the police because she was asking for 100 and he thought she was barely worth a 20. He had agreed a price for the sexual encounter but when they got round to it she wanted more. Like it said on her card, "genuine girlfriend experience".

And what did he call this crime? Was it breach of a verbal contract, was it trades descriptions (like what the phonebox card says genuine photo but when you get there it's not, apparently)? Nope. The 45-year-old man called the police to report a robbery.

If someone is charging more than they should it's "daylight robbery" but that's a phrase not an actual crime.

Police turned up and arrested the 19-year-old woman, but let the man go, even though he was paying for sex.

So, if you are a prostitute you can't offer one price online and then charge more when someone actually tries to use your service. But if you're a budget airline, go for it.

>Read the source story


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