CEO Dan Cathy said he didn't support the right to gay marriage. On one level we shouldn't care. He oversees the cooking of chicken, he's not a policy maker. It's like hearing that Colonel Sanders thinks contraception is wrong. And that would at least explain the "finger licking good" phrase.
But people were upset and this led to politicians in Boston, Chicago, New York and San Francisco saying the company is not welcome in their states.
So, in retaliation, people who disagree with the right to gay marriage, and a few people were just love chicken, organised a Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day when people ate a chicken in a bun as a protest.
If only more protests were food related. Say no to the Iraq war, give peas a chance.
Former Republican presidential candidate and Fox News host Mike Huckabee was the one who organised it, to support the company "run by Christian principles" as he called it.
Not the Christian principles about giving away all your wealth to get into heaven, because the CEO likes money after all, but just the ones about marriage.
But some of the argument for Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day was that stopping a company from trading in a state just because they said something you disagree with is a breach of freedom of speech. I'm in favour of the right to gay marriage but I'm also in favour of the right to free speech. Tricky.
And then, in retaliation to the Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day, a nationwide 'kiss-in' protest outside Chick-Fil-A restaurants took place on 'Same Sex Kiss Day'.
Straight or gay, I don't want to see people snogging while I'm trying to eat. The sounds people make when they're getting passionate are kind of the same sounds I make when I'm eating fast food. They'll think I'm taking the Micky.
So I'm confused. I don't think saying gay marriage is wrong is OK, but I don't think stopping people from saying that is OK either. I defend both side's right to protest but I don't want to see anyone snog, or right-wing people filling their faces with chicken. I'm just grateful it's not a UK issue. We don't have Chick-Fil-A so on Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day I could make my own non-partisan food choice. I only ate hotdogs... sexily. And by that I mean with funky 70s guitar playing in the background and no chewing.
>Read the source story