
Justin Bieber Attacked By Fan

Poor Justin Bieber. He has been attacked by one of his fans as he performed during a concert in Dubai. No wonder he keeps turning up two hours late, he's waiting for the nutters to get tired.

I thought they were loving him on that tour. He won them over on Saturday in Dubai when he withdrew one of his songs, One Less Lonely Girl, out of respect for the country's Muslim faith. Muslims hate it when you say less when it should be fewer.

Being attacked by a fan is terrible. I feel your pain JB. It's the price of fame. I've been attacked by one of my adoring fans once. It was in East London when a man came up to me. At first I assumed he just wanted an autograph, but he said, "Give me your wallet!"

Imagine that, such a megafan that he wanted something personal of mine. "Give me your f***ing wallet," he repeated. These fans do get over excited when they meet their idol.

I pointed out that it was always nice to meet a fan but my wallet had all my Nectar card vouchers in it so I didn't want to lose it. "Don't make me cut you, man," he said. I didn't even know you could add me to your fantasy football team, but some fans will always find a way. I didn't want to break his heart so I gave him the wallet. I offered to sign it but he ran off. It's easy to forget how embarrassed superfans can get when they meet a star.

The whole thing was kind of strange as I hadn't even done a gig round there. Oh well.

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