
Big Lump of Fat Found in London

Thames Water has issued a press release saying they have removed a massive lump of fat from London's sewers. I didn't even know Boris Johnson was going down there.

It was estimated to be over 15 tonnes and was made of congealed fat and used sanitary towels that people had flushed. I guess they flushed the sanitary towels, not the fat. In fact, if you're pooing out fat, forget about the state of the sewers, you want to get yourself down the clinic.

It's been named a "fatberg" and was said to be the size of a bus. So watch out, there'll be another two massive fatbergs coming along any time now, you know what it's like.

Apparently if they hadn't removed it it could've led to waste running out of grates.

The problem is people are letting fat run down the drains and it turns solid in the cold water and then builds up in the sewers. That's why I'm starting my new campaign to stop people grilling food, which releases a lot of fat, I say we promote frying. Especially items like bread and potatoes. They really soak up the fat. And if we all start eating more fried absorbent food we can all live to see a day when the sewers don't get blocked. As long as that day is within the next year or so as with that diet we won't be around much long.

>Read the source story


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