
Kate Middleton's Oldest Girl Could Be Queen

Royal Girls On TopToday the Telegraph gives us: "No bar to throne for Kate's first born girl"

This is the news that Kate Middleton and Prince William's first born could accede to the throne regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl.

Ouch! Give Wills a chance to get the job first before we start thinking about his replacement.

It's all under planned reforms that would see the end of the current system where the first born male child makes it to the throne. Some people have been saying it's a step towards equality.

No, it's not. This doesn't open up opportunities to more women. It's not saying, "You could be Queen." You still have to be born into the royal family. Basically this is just of a matter of who gets left the country in the will.

And let's be honest, the feminist cause can hardly say it's been held back of late by of all those years of having a king on the thrown.

Most of us have only known the national anthem as the "God Save The Queen" one. When she goes and the lyrics change it'll feel like a rubbish cover version. It'll feel wrong, like when Will Young did Light My Fire.

It makes sense. No one these days wants it to just be the male children who can be the ruler of the country. I'd imagine even people in the royal family don't want the rule that it has to be a boy. They only have one rule still in place: "You can only be king or queen if your father was king." So bad news for Harry.


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