Speaking ahead of the party conference in Brighton, the Deputy Prime Minister said sorry for supporting a rise in fees when the party had pledged not to support an increase before the last General Election.
But to be fair to him, he's a Lib Dem, and he never thought he'd actually have to follow through on any of the promises he made. He's lucky they took "a free hover-pad for everyone" out of their manifesto.
It now costs students up to £9,000 a year to go to university. At first I didn't care because I have already been through uni, but then I realised I need to think about the next level. If I have kids I just pray they're as thick as pig sh*t. I can't afford anything else.
Clegg said: "There's no easy way to say this: we made a pledge, we didn't stick to it - and for that I am sorry."
As ever with politicians, the wording is key. It reads like he's not saying sorry for breaking the pledge, he's sorry he made the pledge in the first place. That's like an unfaithful husband who doesn't apologise for sleeping with his secretary, but he says sorry for repeating the vows after the vicar said them.
For all Nick's talk about not doing things to help the rich, the tuition fee issues really did. The definition of being rich isn't just "having lots of money", it's "having more money than everyone else". If everyone can go to university and get a good job there's a bit of a leveling effect. More of the poor can earn OK money. But if only the already rich can afford to give their children the benefits of a tertiary education they'll be the only ones who earn the good money. And that means the "job creators" can get away with paying the low earning poor such a small wage.
There's only two ways to stop someone like me thinking this. One is to prove to me that the Government really has my best interests at heart, and the other is to stop people like me getting a proper education in the first place. I think they're going with Plan B.
Back to Nick Clegg, he said: "We made a promise before the election that we would vote against any rise in fees under any circumstances. But that was a mistake. It was a pledge made with the best of intentions - but we shouldn't have made a promise we weren't absolutely sure we could deliver."
If only the Royal Mail stuck to that rule it would be a step in the right direction.
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