
Prisoner Has Phone Up The Bum

A Sri Lankan prisoner who tried to hide a mobile phone up his bumhole was caught when guards heard his backside ringing.

Ah, booty call.

The 58-year-old convict was admitted to the national hospital in Colombo where doctors later retrieved the handset from his bottom. What kind of an idiot leaves the phone on when it's up inside him? If he heard it ring it's not like he'd get to it before it goes to voicemail. And even if he didn't want to turn it off, he should've put his ringer on vibrate, so to speak. That way he'd still miss the call but at least he'd enjoy it.

Officials said: "The man had concealed the phone inside his person. Unfortunately for him, the phone rang at the wrong time and guards knew he had a phone at the wrong end."

There newspapers haven't reported if the prisoner had anything to say, but I imagine he said, "The Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 was a bad idea!"

Yes, phones these days are getting bigger and many are impressed that he managed to get one up there. I'm more impressed that he got the charger and jewelled case up there too.

>Read the source story


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