
The Big Parking Space Scam

News comes from Tel Aviv where road workers painted a disabled parking space around a car, and then towed it away for parking in a disabled parking space.

That's out of order. I'd be more outraged but this story broke in the same week that we heard someone built a whole car park on top of King Richard III, so there's perspective. (Side note: Now I finally understand the lyrics to Joni Mitchell's Big Yellow Taxi.)

Hila Ben Baruch was ordered to pay 1,000 NIS (£170) and further towing costs after being accused of illegally parking in one of the Israeli city's disabled parking spots. Thankfully this is rare. It's not like Israel to dispute the original designation of land.

CCTV caught the whole thing. Here's the video...

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Not only is it unfair, it's not even a good paint job. Do it in pencil first before doing it in neat.

But the worry is that if it can happen to her it could happen to any of us. So, to make sure I can never be the victim of such an evil scheme I intend to park in such a way that no one could paint the parking space border around me. My vehicle will stick out into the road even if it blocks traffic and I may have to take two spaces. How will I do this? Simple. I'm taking lessons from mums on the school run.

>Read the source story


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