
Baby Cured of HIV

Doctors in the US have made medical history by effectively curing a child born with HIV, the first time such a case has been documented. A cure for HIV in newborns. That's great. It means new born babies can have as much unprotected s... no, that can't be right. They can do as much intravenous drugs as t... nah, that's not it either.

It's an amazing breakthrough, but they have managed to fine a cure for HIV for the lowest risk group. That's like curing malnutrition in darts players.

The doctors have said the same cure wouldn't work on adults. Tut. Ageism! It's like BBC Countryfile all over again.

It is amazing though, and while still a long way off, hopefully this is a step towards the goal of a cure for HIV. But this baby isn't the first person to be cured, it's the second. The first was a man called Timothy Brown who had a bone-marrow transplant from someone who had the CCR5 gene, which means he had a natural immunity to HIV.

That's even nearer the goal of finding a cure. I say "goal". It's probably a hand-ball if it's done by a "marrow donor".

>Read the source story


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