In the news...
"Former Playboy girl Jenny McCarthy insists she has no plans to extend her brood with her comic actor lover Jim Carrey."
No shock there. Would you want Jim Carrey to be the father of your child? What if it took after its dad? If you gave it any E-numbers it would explode.
She said: "This womb is closed!"
But it's amazing how much effort men will put in to try and get back in it.
"Former Playboy girl Jenny McCarthy insists she has no plans to extend her brood with her comic actor lover Jim Carrey."
No shock there. Would you want Jim Carrey to be the father of your child? What if it took after its dad? If you gave it any E-numbers it would explode.
She said: "This womb is closed!"
But it's amazing how much effort men will put in to try and get back in it.