
World's Oldest Yoga Teacher

The idea of holding a world record is appealing, especially when only last year we saw the Olympics. You'd think that having the title of a record holder would make you proud. But there's nothing like reading about some other random world record to really lower the value in that title.

We now have a new owner of the new title "World's Oldest Yoga Teacher". A Scottish lady who is 98 is now the world's oldest yoga teacher. Firstly, wow, someone in Scotland lived to that age. Secondly, wow, she does yoga. Any click or crack in that class any people will start to call an ambulance.

Connie Dennison is the OAP in question. She's an expert in yoga and still pretty good at it. Why not? She was probably around when it was invented.

She contacted the Guinness people after news came out that 
Canadian Ida Herbert, 96, was named as the oldest yoga teacher in the world. So Ida has lost the title. And that's the best bit of this story. Normally "World's Oldest" titles don't end this well. With every other world record you can lose it if someone is better than you, but with the world's oldest there's only one way out - dying. Ida gets the far more impressive title of "Former World's Oldest Yoga Teacher". Now that's a title to be proud of.

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