
British Army Under French Control

The British army is to take French orders. So, looks like we're surrendering. I'm kidding. I'd like to thank the spirit of Stan Boardman for that joke. If you don't know who Stan Boardman is, he was a cross between John Bishop and... no, just John Bishop. Britain and France will sign a new 'entente cordiale' which will put the security of the UK and her overseas territories in the hands of the French for 50 years. It's either a clever way to pool resources and save money during a time of economic depression, or it's the end of a really long salvo in the battle of Waterloo. If we find out this has been the French strategy all along they deserve the win. This document has been a big risk for the security of the UK. Not that teaming up with the French is a risk. But flying the ink cartridges in to print it...
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