
Keith Richards' Daughter On Drugs

Keith Richards' daughter held on drugs chargeKeith Richards' daughter held on drugs charge.

It's nice to see kids joining the family business.

Theodora Richards (named after a Chipmunk?), the daughter of the Rolling Stones guitarist, was found in possession of marijuana and a controlled substance when police picked her up for spraying graffiti on a New York building.

And they say marijuana makes you lethargic, looks like she has still been busy on it.

In her defence, the 25-year-old is said to have told officers, "I hope I don't get into trouble" as they arrested her.

You should've done it over here because in the UK if they catch you carrying drugs while vandalising a building you get a free trip to Centre Parks to make you feel better.

Having the daughter follow in the footsteps of the Rolling Stone dad isn't great but at least Theodora only had to do some drugs. Mick Jagger's daughters would have to date really young woman who are nearly twice their height.

The controlled substance, by the way, is allegedly a painkiller for which she doesn't have a prescription.

If you have to listen to your dad's guitar playing all day, no wonder she has them.

>Read the source story


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