
Man Swallows €145 To Foil Robber

This in from Germany, a man in Erfurt swallowed €145 in cash to avoid being robbed.

He swallowed money. Doctors have been monitoring his condition and so far, still no change.

(I would like the thank the 8-year-old me for learning that joke. Who would’ve thought it would come in useful years later?)

That was a lot of money. If it all came out as change it would sound like winning a slot machine jackpot.

The 37-year-old victim, referred to as Sandro B, had just picked up his Hartz-IV benefit payment when he met a supposed friend, 28, who claimed he owed him money.

So, instead of being forced to pay off this debt he ate the money, which I guess was digested. So he still lost the money and still has this debt. Not a great plan. Unless he was really hungry.

>Read the source story


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