
It's Official - Women Are Demanding

According to a new study, women are getting more demanding in the bedroom.

Damn right. I have to put up a new shelf and put a bracket for the flat-screen telly up in there.

As it turns out it wasn't about DIY it was about sex. Although, sometimes sex and DIY are a lot alike. It's something I do on my own and at least once I did it after watching Carol Smillie on TV.

The survey said more than half of girls claim they initiate sex as much as their partner.

Well, that's great isn't it? It's right to spread the responsibility. It's like sharing the household chores. But don't describe it like that to your other half.

Three quarters of women surveyed claim they want more sex.

That's a high percentage. Was the guy doing this survey really hot?

But here's the worrying bit of this annual survey of almost 3,500 women from Netmums, a third use sex as a "bargaining tool" to encourage their other halves to do housework.

I hate the idea that sex can be exchanged for housework, mainly because my other half said we should get someone in to do it once a week.

>Read the source story


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