Some people are saying this is evidence of a disenfranchised youth. I think they're looking at it the wrong way. The interesting side of it is that people over 20 weren't rioting. That's evidence of the fact that we're getting old.
These riots were happening quite late in the day. If they were on about 6pm we could've been there but rioting around midnight is just too late for a week night.
And people were looting things like TVs. With my back?!?
Also we hear that one in four people charged over the riots had committed more than 10 previous offences.
Well, at least they knew what they were doing. This is another reason why I didn't go rioting. The only thing I've ever been caught doing is speeding. An no one was getting done for speeding during the riots. It was the only way to be sure your car wouldn't get set on fire.
>Read the source story