
Vince Cable Attacks

Vince CableToday's Independent tells us "Cable: I'll force fat cats to justify bonuses."

Good old Vince Cable is back to his belligerent best. He's now promising to make the bankers justify their bonuses. The problem with that is they'll find a way to do it. If you ask someone if they should get paid lots of money they're likely to come down on the side of 'hell yeah'.

I think we should be asked to justify the bankers' bonuses. See how much we think they're worth.

The Tories would then say, "Well, if you don't let bankers have their big bonuses they'll go to another country."

"What? The banks would move away and it would be some other country who has to bail them out when they inevitably mess up again? Oh no, what a disaster!"

Vince hasn't been a fan of the bankers for a while now, as we found out last year in this audio bit...

What I like about Vince Cable is that he is an old man moaning about the banks... which is something you can find in any bank that has an old man in it. He's one of the few politicians who was credited with spotting the recession before it actually happened. But if you moan about enough things you'll eventually get something like that right. Back in 2007 he probably had a chat that went... MAN: Oh, hi Vince. How are you? VINCE: Not too good, my back is playing up. MAN: Oh well, at least we've had a nice summer. VINCE: It won't last. We'll probably see floods soon. MAN: Well, at least the economy is doing well. VINCE: Tut. We'll all be poor soon enough. But I'm not moaning about Vince's moaning. In fact I think he's great. He's a grumpy old man and I have said on this site before that we should celebrate his grumpiness, and that's why I made him this song...
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