
Naked Rugby Team Beaten

New Zealand's naked rugby team, the so-called Nude Blacks, have lost for the first time in their nine-year history, to a women's team.

I wonder why that could be. Possibly because the players had to sit down with crossed legs for most of the game?

And it makes sense that they won the other matches against the men. It would be hard to go in for the tackle because that's exactly what you'd get... in the face.

The all-amateur Nude Blacks played the exhibition game in New Zealand ahead of the World Cup clash between Argentina and England.

Nude rugby seems like an off choice. Of all the games to do naked why pick the one with the scrum down? The same would go for ice skating (shrinkage), snooker (bad camera angles) and darts (nothing to do with the practicalities of the game, it's just the people who play it).

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